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Real Estate Realtor Mississauga & Toronto

Preparing a Purchase Offer

Before you make an offer, double-check these points

  • Always check a calendar to avoid closing or title search dates that fall on weekends and holidays
  • Title Search date is normally 2 weeks prior to the closing date (Allows lawyers to do title search)
  • Verify the Seller’s name(s), property lot size and legal description using MPAC
  • Try to avoid closings on a Friday. If there is a delay in closing, your client could be stranded until Monday.. Monday or Tuesday closing dates are best
  • If there are any rental items to be assumed, always find out how much the monthly rental cost will be so the buyer is not caught off guard by expensive equipment rentals. These costs add up, think of having an extra payment of $400 for a water tank, furnace or A/C